Log Design No limits in electrical engineering

BIM designing, advanced engineering and delivering of high end systems and solutions, sales of top brand’s LV devices


Our focus

Our color is green

We are pioneers in the design and construction of renewable resources




m2 m2 LV and ELV designed


PCC/MCC sections delivered


MVAr PFC systems delivered


MW designed wind farms


MW designed PV plants


Join us

Log Design d.o.o. permanently looking for talented and curious engineers to join us in our mission. We offer you wide range of opportunities for professional development. Log Design d.o.o. is place where they are able to grow both professionally and personally.

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About us

Our global business objective is to create a flexible organisation capable of responding to wide range of challenges in electrical engineering, by relying on our experience, expertise and a widespread partner network.

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Our projects

We are focused in challenging projects in commercial and industry market segment – hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, pharmaceutical production plants, faculties etc...

Check our projects


The new office space

The new office space

Dear colleagues and friends,We would like to inform you that on July 15, 2024, we have moved into a new office space. Our new office is lo

15 Jul 2024LogDesign
Nannover fair 2024 visit - April 2024.

Nannover fair 2024 visit - April 2024.

The trade fair in Hanover is the largest industrial fair in Europe and attending this fair is a tradition and pleasure for us. In order to stay

28 Apr 2024LogDesign
Ottavi transformers production plant visit in Sinalunga

Ottavi transformers production plant visit in Sinalunga

During the past year, Log Design initiated a collaboration with the Italian manufacturer of power transformers, Ottavi Transformers, with production f

12 Apr 2024LogDesign